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Il Pomodoro Restaurant
Call to Reserve: +39 0789 931626
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Il Pomodoro Restaurant

Il Pomodoro is a window into Mediterranean life and culture; it is a celebration of the humble tomato where every dish embraces its presence no matter how big or small. Each dish is simple but tells a story.


  • Opening Hours
  • 19.30 - 23.30

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Il Pomodoro Restaurant
Recipes that have passed from mother to daughter, neighbor-to-neighbor and town to town.
Pizzeria e ristorante
Traditional dishes and Pizza A timeless classic since 1976: choose à la carte from a selection of delicious dishes and tasty pizzas in an intimate and traditional ambiance.
Our Concept
Delicious Flavors Land and sea, share the table with an authentic culinary experience by tasting Sardinia's most traditional dishes a few steps away from the Piazzetta.